Saturday, January 14, 2012

still exam ke? T_T

ups.. upss.. melencong sekejap. takde mud la tgk tulisan2 financial ni. ouh ea? another two papers to go. *matilah*

da lepas azab paper2 jahanam. just passed ECO560 and QMT554. menanges tak hengat neh. gap 2 hari je, tu yg serabut kepala. tak abis down ngn paper ECO, double down dgn paper QMT. its data analysis paper. so mcm add math n bla bla bla. dunno why kene blaja subjek tu.

ni bru dpt gap 4 hari for paper financial. serabutnye. dgn health condition yg tahpape lately. tah nape tah. belaja kuat sgt kot. HAHA. miracle. the upside down dgn paper QMT tu terkesan smpai hari ni. truly, mcm da tamao further study.

why ouh why? kenapa la subjek tu susah. bile da revised before paper hari tu, baru tau ekceli tak la sesusah mana. rasa sakit ni da penah terjadi masa paper accounting and law masa diploma dulu. alhamdulillah, passed sume. well I wish as well as paper dulu, pass. insyaAllah. *positif la do*

waiting another financial and marketing paper and then...weehooo! merdeka. macam na pegi vacation. tp ape class pegi dlm melesia je. dpt pegi paris ke. bole posing2 cm aaron aziz. hoh?

no lah. after final ni, azab pindah punggah memunggah pulak. n dealing with new tuan rumah n tuan rumah skng. rase2 cuti sem ni xdpt na enjoy sgt kot coz komitmen new sem plak menanti. what's so excited, coz rumah baru yg sgt cute! and guess what, tak saba na deco ruma tu coz we all got one room per person.

the best damn thing, na welcoming our one new member. guess what? ahahhaha.


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