Tuesday, January 31, 2012

semester break!

ouh ouh. lame tak berblogging. after final exam, had some relaxing moment dgn kwn2 n terus shoot menguruskan hal2 rumahtangga pula.

rumah tangga? haa. its officially I'm off from shah alam. bye shah alam. da kosongkan rumah flat 48 tu atau lebih sinonim dgn nama Sarang Dadah. kini menetap di puncak alam.

after deal with kak liza, we got our home keys. barang2 da packed and believed it, it took several days and came to week nak packing barang2. tu setahun punye menetap tu. aiyoh. nmpak sikit. but when it comes to clearing all the unnecessary things, rubbish n some memories (wuuuhuuu), bak dtg 2 3 helai plastik smpah itam tu.

to Mr.Tan, thanx for the home. we lived there happily, full of memories and tragedy. even environment dgn kap lam ya nga yg mcm brengset suke rem moto suka2 hati tak kira waktu, dgn laki bini kelahi tak kira siang mlm, n the worst thing suara budak melolong tatau la tak dpt ape yg nak or kene tibai ngn mak apak die, we still had so much comfortable and satisfied with the home.

even though pipe bocor! T_T

return to our new home, we called it Penthouse. heavenly residence. no more sarang dadah. each room for our own, having our simple lifestyle, we hope that. hopefully.

mmg gembira bile na masuk tmpt baru, rumah kak liza well maintained, cantik dan alhmadulillah fizikalnya nmpak sempurna wlpn kami...takde jiran2. :(

namun, bila timbul soal new semester, I knw, I'm not performing well in this semester final exam. rase berdebar2 dgn result. drop? sudah semestinya. repeat? Tuhan. pelis. not again. sem ni besar sgt dugaan. na blamekan dugaan pun tak boleh jgk coz I'm over react towards my problem and affected my study. regret. T_T

rumors mengatakan result lg 2 minggu. hope to hold angka 3 lagi. hope so. if ade repeat, then I'm the one yg maybe akan ulang alik ke s.alam pulak. again. ouhh. but if repeat paper is more than 2 papers, I'd already had my own decision.

so, sblum blk ruma, smpat lg swimming2 dgn besties kt pool s.alam. pegi makan2 dgn kwn2. sng ckp, pegi perabih duit. haha. no la.

so, today I'm in my hometown, having a great time with my fam.. ouh not so whole family la. ekceli sorg2 kat rumah sbb semua org keje n adik sekola. train blk how to cook well. train blk how to perfectly done my home chores and bla bla bla. overall, train blk mcm mane hidup dgn family.

bangun awal pagi, memasak, kemas rumah, sng ckp to be a women. not a junk dkt rumah sewa yg bole tido n bangun bila2 masa, na kelua n balik pukul brape suka2, n tak payah susa2 pk na masak ape. drive kete drive thru. haa. tu yg gemok ni.

ouhh, sempena cuti ni jugak, na support my bestie's program, adam. na kurus masa cuti sem. ok, lets go pegi cycling. go! go! go!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

still exam ke? T_T

ups.. upss.. melencong sekejap. takde mud la tgk tulisan2 financial ni. ouh ea? another two papers to go. *matilah*

da lepas azab paper2 jahanam. just passed ECO560 and QMT554. menanges tak hengat neh. gap 2 hari je, tu yg serabut kepala. tak abis down ngn paper ECO, double down dgn paper QMT. its data analysis paper. so mcm add math n bla bla bla. dunno why kene blaja subjek tu.

ni bru dpt gap 4 hari for paper financial. serabutnye. dgn health condition yg tahpape lately. tah nape tah. belaja kuat sgt kot. HAHA. miracle. the upside down dgn paper QMT tu terkesan smpai hari ni. truly, mcm da tamao further study.

why ouh why? kenapa la subjek tu susah. bile da revised before paper hari tu, baru tau ekceli tak la sesusah mana. rasa sakit ni da penah terjadi masa paper accounting and law masa diploma dulu. alhamdulillah, passed sume. well I wish as well as paper dulu, pass. insyaAllah. *positif la do*

waiting another financial and marketing paper and then...weehooo! merdeka. macam na pegi vacation. tp ape class pegi dlm melesia je. dpt pegi paris ke. bole posing2 cm aaron aziz. hoh?

no lah. after final ni, azab pindah punggah memunggah pulak. n dealing with new tuan rumah n tuan rumah skng. rase2 cuti sem ni xdpt na enjoy sgt kot coz komitmen new sem plak menanti. what's so excited, coz rumah baru yg sgt cute! and guess what, tak saba na deco ruma tu coz we all got one room per person.

the best damn thing, na welcoming our one new member. guess what? ahahhaha.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

pizza ouh pizza!

pizza ouh pizza. bestnye dpt pizza time2 nih. ouh la la.

dpt. dua slice je. haha. mcm mintak sedekah. dah naek status baru nak hantar ke rumah la. tgglkan dua slice la. ishh mcm la kita ni hadap sgt. sokay, mlm ni jgk kitorg pegi sndri. makan pizza puas2. it doesn't matter at all. btw, thanx for those two slices. appreciate it.

whtever ur reason it is, its still breaking my heart. you know why? its like, "haa...da bace status, baru perasan yg kau lapa lagi. tak makan lagi. upss...almost forgot about you". its sounds loser sbb da tggal sisa u ols makan kot. how sad makan sisa korg? ish ish ish. mcm pemintak sedekah je kami. makan pn na kene org hantar.

dear, i really dun give a damn. i can buy it by myself. not even pizza. bubur pun bole delivery la. tak hadap org belikan. ouh ouh such a sad evening.

if you felt sad of being rejected, I was double sad for being treated like this. if you really know who I am, you must know that I don't like surprise. its just, I'm mentioning about ur status. it doesn't mean I really want it. stop judging me. you don't know me at all.

ouh pizza, I'm coming.
btw, dayah say thank you for those two slices.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


lets start new year's story with final exam punye cerite. huhu. I was damn frustrated dgn paper CTU td. dunno why at this stage kitorg still kene belaja subjek ni. n to make it worst, ctu kali ni adalah sejarah malaysia. etnik. mcm sejarah form 3 dlu. yairkkkss!

exam kat puncak alam plak td. aiyoohh. panaassnya cuaca! tu efek exam kot? *alasan*

next mission; 10 january 2012, ECO560. bace2 n kira2. dont like but ok laa...na strive for A if possible. tp kalau tak A tu, hope for something good la. but not failed! pelisss.

lately byk bermuram durja. tah, terkesan dgn pelbagai insiden mebi? ya Tuhan, sedih tak pernah berpenghujung. berperang dgn perasaan sendri. senang ckp, salah ke kalau aku cume na concern? starting from that, jgn pernah marah kalau ignoring is my best solution. tengkiu.